Monday, 17 March 2014

Venus, the goddess of love and beauty

      Venus, who is the goddess of love and beauty, become the representation of women, who know to dress up themselves in their nature. So I instantly related this idea with the fashion industry.
      I intend to deconstruct the The Birth of Venus into a fashion commercial advertisement. 

      In the painting, Horae (the woman on the right), who is the goddess of seasons, is personifiying spring to welcome Venus ashore. To the left, the god of wind, Zephyr and the goddess of breeze, Aura, are escorting Venus to reach Cyprus.

      Therefore, the advertisement is set to the theme Spring/Summer of 2014. I'm thinking of picking some fashion (clothes, accessories, etc) of this season which able to fit the personality of the characters and allow them to act as fashion models.

      For those character to act as fashion models, adjustment is needed for the pose to present the clothes. I studied poses of models from various fashion magazine, trying to get a sense of how models present different kind of clothes.





      Instead of study fashion model, I also try to look at those fashion icon, for example the Duchess of Cambridge. I think it is fair to say that she is the Venus of British. She is beautiful for no doubt and is loved by everyone.   

        After that, I tried to compose a picture of the advertisement. It is obviously more like a picture made for inside page of magazine for promotion of the clothes from different brand. Thus, I make another one which is like a merging of Burberry advertisement campaign with the painting.

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